Our Floating Home

Renegade is a 1978 Dufour 12000CT 45' Ketch. Our oldest daughter Malia named the boat back when this trip was only a dream. The name stuck and the dream has become a reality. We will update this page with photos when we get back to the boat in January. In the meantime I saved this drawing by Malia from about 4 years ago.

Boat History Footnotes:

Prior to our ownership of Renegade, the boat was owned by another family with two daughters who sailed her from San Francisco to Fiji. You can read about their adventure at www.SailingwithTerrapin.com. Before them she called Fafner and owned by another family with two daughters sailed her "all the way around" from San Francisco. You can read about their adventure at www.gonesailing.com.


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